Calls to Action
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Previous Calls to Action
SB29, the Constitutional Right to Health Freedom Act, will be heard in the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee on February 7th at 8:30 am.
This bill updates Chapter 65 regarding public health and addresses many concerns, including 65-129b, which allows the KDHE Secretary & local health officers to have the sheriff remove from your home your minor children or your minor grandchildren if they deem them public health threats due to refusing treatment, testing, quarantine, or vaccines. The bill takes the power away from the KDHE Secretary, an unelected bureaucrat, and only allows the local health officer to recommend and educate and not mandate like they did during COVID. It also removes the law enforcement portion, which is essential because it’s the teeth/enforcement of a 4th Amendment violation- no unlawful search and seizure. You can read the full text of the bill here.
Please take all of the action steps detailed below. (They can also be found on our website at Thank you for taking your rights and freedoms into your own hands by fighting for this bill!
1) Testify in support of SB29
You must email the committee assistant at with a PDF of your testimony by 8:30 am on Thursday, February 6, 2025.Click here to learn more about how to format and submit your testimony. The committee rules for submitting testimony can be found here.
Spoken testimonies are incredibly powerful. You can submit written only testimony, testify in-person, or testify via Webex. If you plan to testify in-person or via Webex, you must notify the committee assistant by 8:30 am TOMORROW (Wednesday, February 3, 2025).
Download a sample testimony for SB29 here. We encourage you to edit this to reflect what is most important to you about this bill and why it affects you personally.
2) Contact the committee members
Contact the members of the Public Health and Welfare Committee and encourage them to pass SB29. Phone calls are most effective.
William Clifford (R): 785-296-7694
Chase Blasi (R): 785-296-2497
Renee Erickson (R): 785-296-7476
Beverly Gossage (R): 785-296-7382
Cindy Holscher (D): 785-296-7659
Michael Murphy (R): 785-296-6981
Pat Pettey (D): 785-296-7375
Stephen Owens (R): 785-296-7377
Mike Thompson (R): 785-296-7362
TJ Rose (R): 785-296-7394
Adam Thomas (R): 785-296-7358
Copy and Paste Email List:,,,,,,,,,,
Sample Script:
I support SB29, The Constitutional Right to Health Freedom Act. This bill protects individual rights and limits government overreach in public health decisions. Please pass SB29.
3) Attend the Hearing
The hearing for SB19 is scheduled for Friday, February 7, 2025, at 8:30 am in Room 142-S. Check out our “Visiting the Kansas State Capitol” handout for information on how to get to the capitol, where to park, and more. Please be advised, sometimes room assignments change last minute. Check this page for the most up-to-date details.
SB19, The Conscientious Right to Refuse Act, would broaden vaccine exemptions and protect individuals who refuse vaccines and pharmaceuticals. You can read the full text of the bill here. The bill is a home run for health freedom rights!
URGENT: Get SB19 Out of Committee!
The hearing for SB19 featured opponents who represented various associations (in other words, lobbyists). Every single proponent was a simple Kansas citizen, from parents to doctors to hard-working people who drove hours to testify.
These citizens were outnumbered 10 to 13 by the lobbyists, and now it seems the bill will be placed in the back corner of a dusty shelf, never to see the light of day. We must let our voices be heard!
IF YOU VALUE HEALTH FREEDOM, take the following action steps immediately:
1) Call the Committee Members
Flood the committee members’ phone lines in support of SB19. Tell them we want to see SB19 come out of committee and get a full Senate vote. Ask them to pass SB19 without changes. Additional talking points are below.
If you only have time to make one phone call, be sure to call Beverly Gossage, the committee chair.
William Clifford (R): 785-296-7694
Chase Blasi (R): 785-296-2497
Renee Erickson (R): 785-296-7476
Beverly Gossage (R): 785-296-7382
Cindy Holscher (D): 785-296-7659
Michael Murphy (R): 785-296-6981
Pat Pettey (D): 785-296-7375
Stephen Owens (R): 785-296-7377
Mike Thompson (R): 785-296-7362
TJ Rose (R): 785-296-7394
Adam Thomas (R): 785-296-7358
Talking Points:
When you call, emphasize that we want SB19 passed out of committee so it can get a full Senate vote. If you have more time, you can utilize these additional talking points:
Every proponent of SB19 and many more in the hearing room were average Kansas citizens, some of whom drove hours, took off work, and found last-minute child care to voice their support. It is obvious that THE PEOPLE want this bill. Do you stand with the people or lobbyists and corporations? If you stand with the people, you will pass SB19 from committee without changes.
The people of Kansas voted overwhelmingly for President Trump and his agenda to Make America Healthy Again. You have a mandate from the voters to stand with the MAHA agenda and pass this bill.
Everyone should have the right to follow their conscience. Without this right, is a person truly free?
SB19 does not cost the state any money.
We've seen in recent years how government mandates have overstepped their bounds, forcing individuals to comply with medical decisions they may not agree with. SB19 helps ensure that Kansans are never again coerced into medical decisions by government agencies or employers. This bill is about keeping the government in check and preserving personal liberties. Please stand for freedom and pass SB19.
Medical decisions should be made between a patient and their doctor—not dictated by the government or an employer. SB 19 ensures that these deeply personal decisions remain private and free from outside interference. Please preserve the doctor-patient relationship and pass SB19.
Many other states already have conscientious exemptions to vaccines, and they are not seeing outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases. This proves that allowing individuals and parents to make their own medical decisions does not pose a public health threat. Kansas should be a leader in protecting individual rights when it comes to health freedom, rather than lagging behind.
Under current Kansas law regarding immunization exemptions, many parents are forced to homeschool or leave our state so they can send their child to school without being coerced into medical decisions they don’t agree with. We shouldn’t be driving families out of our state—we should be welcoming them by respecting their right to choose what’s best for their children. Supporting SB19 ensures that Kansas values freedom and parental rights and remains a place where all families can thrive.
Talking points for Democrats:
Do you believe in “My Body, My Choice?” “My Body, My Choice” applies not just to reproductive rights but to all healthcare decisions. SB19 bill respects the bodily autonomy of individuals in all healthcare decisions. If you truly believe in “My Body, My Choice” you must pass SB19.
Do you believe discrimination is wrong? If so, you must pass SB19. It protects individuals who make a different choice from being wrongly discriminated against. By passing SB19, you will be standing up for the rights of every Kansan, ensuring that they can make medical decisions without fear of losing their job, access to services, or opportunities in life.
2) Share This Post
Our President, Connie Newcome, wrote a fantastic analysis of yesterday’s hearing and countered some of the opposition’s claims. Please share this Facebook post in the following ways:
Send it to the committee members via email
Post it to the committee members’ Facebook pages
Repost it to your personal social media accounts
Share it in any groups you are part of.
Copy and Paste Email List:,,,,,,,,,,
3) Share This Call To Action
Please share this Call to Action with all the freedom fighters your know! You can forward this email, repost this Call To Action from our social media, or share this link:
President Trump elect has selected Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (RFK Jr.) to be his candidate for the Health and Human Services (HHS) cabinet position. This is a stellar appointment, but he will need the help of the grassroots to get him across the finish line. The confirmation of RFK Jr. as Secretary of HHS is one of many important tasks that must happen early in Trump’s administration to MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN!
Contact Senators Moran and Marshall via phone and/or X once a week until RFK is confirmed.
Sen. Jerry Moran: 202.224.6521 @JerryMoran
Sen. Roger Marshall: 202.224.4774 @RogerMarshallMD
Please call them once a week and tweet or comment on X to let them know that you support RFK Jr.’s nomination as Secretary of HHS as the most important step to Make America Healthy Again. (Helpful Hint: save their phone numbers in your phone). Building relationships with elected officials and their assistants can influence their votes.
Senator Marshall has been public about his support for MAHA. Thank him! Let him know we are watching.
Please share this call to action with your grassroots, patriot friends.
Most health freedom advocates are well aware of the health risks posed by water fluoridation. In some very welcome good news, Federal District Court Senior Judge Edward Chen ruled that water fluoridation at current recommended levels poses an unreasonable risk to the health of children. Elevated fluoride levels in maternal urine are linked to decreased IQ in their offspring.
Fluoride, both topical and oral, is recognized as a drug and as such is regulated by the FDA. However, water fluoridation at levels equivalent to those that would require a prescription, are regulated by the EPA. Ever wonder why?
The ruling did not specify exactly what measures must be adopted by the EPA, but under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), once the court rules that a chemical poses an unreasonable risk, the EPA is obligated by law to restrict or eliminate the risk. As we know, the wheels of government turn very slowly. It could be months or even years before the EPA acts.
K.S.A. 19-3521a says that if a community votes to fluoridate the water supply it shall be in accordance with the recommendations and standards of the Secretary of KDHE. In short, KDHE Sec. Janet Stanek has to authority to pause water fluoridation in Kansas until studies are done and evidence is provided that water fluoridation is safe.
Please, let Sec. Stanek hear from you that water fluoridation must be paused immediately!
For more information, visit The Fluoride Action Network website at
Email or write to Secretary Stanek at:
1000 SW Jackson
Topeka, KS 66612SAMPLE SCRIPT:
Dear Sec. Stanek,
A federal district court recently ruled that water fluoridation at current levels poses an unreasonable risk to the health of children. According to K.S.A. 19-3521a, you have the power to set the standards for water fluoridation. You must protect the health of Kansas children and pause the practice of water fluoridation by setting the recommended level to 0.0 until studies can be done to prove at what level, if any, fluoride is safe to consume.
We also encourage you to call your water district, city council, and legislators to let them know that we do not accept this unreasonable risk to the health of a children and want to see water fluoridation stopped in Kansas.
REVISED 2.26.24
HB 2791 will be heard in the House Health and Human Services Committee on Thursday, February 29th. Please act to protect children in Kansas and submit testimony in support of this bill! Additional instructions are below.
HB 2791: Enacting the forbidding abuse child transitions act, restricting use of state funds to promote gender transitioning, prohibiting healthcare professionals from treating children whose gender identity is inconsistent with the child's sex, authorizing a civil cause of action against healthcare professionals for providing such treatments, authorizing professional discipline against a physician who performs such treatment, prohibiting professional liability insurance from covering damages for healthcare providers that provide gender transition treatment to children and adding violation of the act to the definition of unprofessional conduct for physicians and nurses.
Submit proponent testimony for HB 2791 by Wednesday, February 28th at 10 am.
Email an electronic copy of your testimony in PDF format to Dave Long,, by Wednesday, February 28th at 10 am. In your email, specify your position (proponent, opponent, neutral) and how you wish to testify (oral in person, oral via WebEx, written only). You must also provide 5 hard copies to the committee assistant by Wednesday, February 28th at 10 am. We recommend writing your testimony over the weekend and mailing the hard copies first thing Monday morning.
More information on how to write and submit your testimony can be found here:
Several CRITICAL health freedom bills have been heard in the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee recently. SB 352, 390, and 391 are bills that protect the rights of the people. Bill summaries are at the end of this Call to Action.
YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW AND SHOW THE LEGISLATORS THAT THE PEOPLE OF KANSAS WANT THESE BILLS. We must send a strong and clear message to our legislators that what we want is medical freedom today, tomorrow, and forever!
Call and email all of the committee members listed below telling them you support these bills and to vote yes. Especially prioritize phone calls as each legislator’s staff member keeps a tally of how many people call in support of or opposition to a particular bill.
In your calls and emails, you can say something as simple as the following:
Senator [Name Here],
I support SB 352, 390, and 391. Please vote YES on these bills.
Thank you
Remember, SB 390 does not hinder the liberty of anyone to get a vaccine, wear a mask, or quarantine if they so choose. Neither does SB 391 take away any authority from the KDHE to recommend, suggest, or educate. The intent of these bills is to stop unlawful mandates. Remind the Senators to stand with the PEOPLE of Kansas!
Call and Email the Committee Members and tell them to vote YES on SB 352, 390, & 391!
Phone numbers:
Beverly Gossage: (785) 296-7382
Renee Erickson: (785) 296-7476
Pat Pettey: (785) 296-7375
Molly Baumgardner: (785) 296-7268
Mike Thompson: (785) 296-7362
Cindy Holscher: (785) 296-7659
Kristen O’Shea: (785) 296-7656
Mark Steffen: (785) 296-6981
Chase Blasi: (785) 296- 7394
Copy and paste email list:,,,,,,,,
SB 352 - The John D. Springer Patient’s Bill of Rights
Enacting the John D. Springer patient's bill of rights to require hospitals to allow in-person visitation, adopt visitation policies and procedures and creating a civil cause of action for violation of such rights.
SB 390 - The Conscientious Right to Refuse Act
Enacting the conscientious right to refuse act to prohibit discrimination against individuals to refuse medical care and creating a civil cause of action based on such discrimination; repealing the authority of the secretary of health and environment to quarantine individuals and impose associated penalties.
SB 391 - The Constitutional Right to Health Freedom Act
Enacting the constitutional right to health freedom act to regulate the activities of the secretary of health and environment related to public health functions; repealing statutes relating to the secretary's authority to quarantine individuals and impose associated penalties.
Two of the most CRITICAL health freedom bills to date have hearings scheduled for February 14th and 15th! SB 390, the Conscientious Right to Refuse Act, and SB 391, the Constitutional Right to Health Freedom Act, will be heard in the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee.
THESE BILLS NEED YOUR SUPPORT AND YOUR PRESENCE. We must send a strong and clear message to our legislators that what we want is medical freedom today, tomorrow, and forever!
Please take all of the action steps detailed below. Thank you for taking your rights and freedoms into your own hands by fighting for these bills!
Call and Email the Committee Members
Express your support for these bills and ask the committee to pass them favorably. Call and email all of the committee members below. Phone calls are most effective.
Phone numbers:
Beverly Gossage: (785) 296-7382
Renee Erickson: (785) 296-7476
Pat Pettey: (785) 296-7375
Molly Baumgardner: (785) 296-7268
Mike Thompson: (785) 296-7362
Cindy Holscher: (785) 296-7659
Kristen O’Shea: (785) 296-7656
Mark Steffen: (785) 296-6981
Chase Blasi: (785) 296- 7394
Copy and paste email list:,,,,,,,,
Submit proponent testimony
Testify in support of this bill before the committee. You can testify in person, on WebEx, or submit written only testimony.
Contact the committee assistant, Donola Fairbanks (, 785-296-5123), at least two days prior to the committee meeting (by Monday, February 12th for SB 390 and by Tuesday, February 13th for SB 391) stating whether you will appear as a proponent, opponent or neutral party, the reason(s) for your position, and if you will appear in person or remotely.
You must email an electronic copy of your testimony in PDF format to at least 24 hours in advance of the hearing.
Please note: Testimony provided will be placed on the Kansas Legislative website. Do not include any personal information (address, phone number, etc.) in your testimony that you do not want open to the public.
Click here for a suggested format when writing your testimony.
More instructions on how to write and submit a testimony, including a video example, can be found here.
Attend the hearings
In person support sends an important message to the legislators. It is very important that we have supporters turn out for these hearings! If you are unable to attend both days, prioritize coming on February 14th for SB 390. Here are the details for the hearings:
SB 390:
DATE: February 14th
TIME: 8:30 am
LOCATION: Kansas State Capitol (SW 8th & SW Van Buren, Topeka, Kansas), Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee (Room 548-S)
More information on visiting the capitol building and a capitol map can be found here:
SB 391:
DATE: February 15th
TIME: 8:30 am
LOCATION: Kansas State Capitol (SW 8th & SW Van Buren, Topeka, Kansas), Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee (Room 548-S)
More information on visiting the capitol building and a capitol map can be found here:
Were you or a loved one denied visitation during COVID? Kansas legislators need to hear from you! We need oral and written testimonies now!
SB 352, the John D. Springer Patient Bill of Rights, is scheduled for a hearing on February 7th in the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee! The bill requires hospitals to allow in-person visitation, adopt visitation policies and procedures and creates a civil cause of action for violation of such rights.
1. Call and Email the Committee Members
Express your support for this bill and ask the committee to pass it favorably by calling and emailing the committee members. Phone calls are most effective.
Phone numbers:
Beverly Gossage: (785) 296-7382
Renee Erickson: (785) 296-7476
Pat Pettey: (785) 296-7375
Molly Baumgardner: (785) 296-7268
Mike Thompson: (785) 296-7362
Cindy Holscher: (785) 296-7659
Kristen O’Shea: (785) 296-7656
Mark Steffen: (785) 296-6981
Chase Blasi: (785) 296- 7394
Copy and paste email list:,,,,,,,,
2. Submit proponent testimony
Testify in support of this bill before the committee. You can testify in person, on WebEx, or submit written only testimony.
Contact the committee assistant, Donola Fairbanks (, 785-296-5123), at least two days prior to the committee meeting (by Monday, February 5th) stating whether the you will appear as a proponent, opponent or neutral party, the reason(s) for your position, and if you will appear in person or remotely.
You must email an electronic copy of your testimony in PDF format to least 24 hours in advance of the hearing.
Please note: Testimony provided will be placed on the Kansas Legislative website. Do not include any personal information (address, phone number, etc.) in your testimony that you do not want open to the public.
Click here for a suggested format when writing your testimony.
3. Attend the hearing
In-person support sends an important message to the legislators. Here are the details for the hearing:
DATE: February 7th
TIME: 8:30 am
LOCATION: Kansas State Capitol (SW 8th & SW Van Buren, Topeka, Kansas), Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee (Room 142-S)
More information on visiting the capitol building and a capitol map can be found here:
Representatives Landwehr and Eplee refuse to follow the KS GOP Platform when it comes to protecting individual health freedom because they are beholden to big Pharma, KDHE and medical academia. In fact, last year Chair Landwehr and Vice Chair Eplee adjourned the House Committee on Health and Human Services to ensure health freedom bills would die in committee. Together, We The People, Kansas Conservative Counties, Kansans for Health Freedom, SEK Freedom and others applied an immense amount of pressure resulting in House Speaker Dan Hawkins finally transferring the bills to another committee.
We can’t afford to have Landwehr and Eplee stand in the way of individual health freedom again so we are asking for your help.
Will you make a commitment to help protect our individual health freedom?
If you answer yes, we ask that you reach out to Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dan Hawkins ( in the next week and request that he remove Representatives Landwehr (chair) and Eplee (vice chair) from the House Committee on Health and Human Services and replace them with Platform Republicans that will protect our Constitutional right to individual health freedom.
Health freedom fighters! Please understand that Landwehr and Eplee won’t preserve your right to individual health freedom! It’s time for Dan Hawkins to appoint someone who will.
Thank you for your commitment.