Wisdom From a Former Senate Staffer and D.C. Worker

There is A LOT of power in constituent pressure on Members of Congress. 

I believe this is a once in a generation opportunity to expose rot and corruption and more people are awake than ever, it seems. Of course, the powerful lobbyists and interests have lots of money and campaign donations to spread around... BUT we also have a voice.

My personal opinion is, in each of our respective states, we who care about health, clean food, clean air, transparency, etc. MUST not rest. We must engage our elected officials weekly. Call the office and leave messages/speak with the staffer, attend townhall meetings, and ENGAGE! We can't rest just because one election is over. 

I have my senators' and congressman's local office phone numbers saved on my cell phone and I call them sometimes in the parking lot waiting to pick up my spouse. They log calls and voter positions. Large volumes of calls on X topic make an impact. Congressman Massie has said phone calls work better than emails.

Elected officials expect voters to tune out until the next campaign, but now is not a time to rest. Speak up frequently on those issues that matter to you and get 20 friends in your state to do the same. 

We've won a battle, but not the war.... Let's win the war!

A note from KSHF: As denoted by the title, this perspective is from a Kansas citizen who formerly worked in Washington, D.C.

Stop the Broadband Deployment Act!

Stop the Broadband Deployment Act!

A new federal bill that threatens to eliminate all state and local control in cell tower and small cell placements is still making its way through Congress. If H.R. 3557 passes, it will result in a truly unrestricted proliferation of cell towers and small cell installations near schools, playgrounds, and homes without any local or community input.